Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

The key outcome of any RBI scheme is a prioritised and focused inspection schedule

This ensures high risk items get correct scrutiny and produces a safety focused and cost effective inspection scheme.

RBI is now recognised as a key tool in meeting legislative requirements, as detailed in the HSE's best practice guidelines

Using RBI Programme, Risk is reduced to a greater degree than at the same cost using a Typical Inspection Programme

Using a RBI Scheme a piece of equipment is given a Risk rating based on failure Probability versus Consequence.

RBI Scheme helps avoid over-inspection of low risk equipment and puts focus on equipment that has High Probability and High Risk of failure


RBI Scheme

  1. Assessment of the credible threats to a piece of equipment.

  2. Potential failure modes and mitigation measures

  3. Resulting consequences

  4. Associating a measure of risk with each item

  5. Combine risk with inspection history to determine future inspection intervals and methodologies

  6. Carry out inspection to requirements


Implementation process - Vessels

  1. Extract historical wall thickness data

  2. Review data - estimate corrosion rates and minimum wall thickness

  3. Rank vessels according to susceptibility/remnant life

  4. Define inspection requirements

  5. Define repair/replacement requirements

  6. Carry out inspection to requirements